Competency Development & Trainings

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Online Courses Trainings – Research, Data Management and GIS

Vital Extra Learning – Africa is a training organization that offer high quality training services to researchers and data handlers through organized Online Courses Trainings – Research, Data Management and GIS. Our result-oriented methods are tailored to suit the specific needs of our clients, whether as individuals or organizations. As add-on, we hand-hold our clients during post engagement to ensure that the value created is not eroded. Register for any of our professionally delivered Online Courses Trainings – Research, Data Management and GIS.

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Online Courses & Trainings – Research, Data Management and GIS

Our variety of online short courses trainings on research and Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies are delivered through online guided learning sessions, practical assignments and personal coaching. A considerable part of the training can be delivered on flexible timings.

Data Collection and Management using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Course dates in Year 2024:

January: 15/01/2024 – 19/01/2024
February: 12/02/2024 – 16/03/2024
March: 11/03/2024 – 15/03/2024
April: 08/04/2024 – 12/04/2024
May: 13/05/2024 – 17/05/2024
June: 10/06/2024 – 14/06/2024

Duration: 5days

Timings: 8 Hours per day

Tuition fee: 400 USD

Registration: Click to register

Course Description: ODK or Open Data Kit is a set of free and open source tools that are used for field data collection using android mobile phones (Devices) and allows data submission to an online or cloud server. Data collection was in the past executed through paper and pen method, which made them prone to error, inconveniences and high costs. Nowadays, instead of collecting data on paper using a pen, data is inputted into a mobile device which is then capable of exporting directly into a centralized database for processing and analysis. Read more…

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
• Create survey forms using Build and XLSForms
• Set up ODK Build, Collect and Aggregate
• Upload forms to an Aggregate server
• Load forms into Collect on an Android device
• Use ODK Collect to fill out forms with field participants
• Upload survey data from Collect to Aggregate
• Export, manage and analyse data from Aggregate
• Download collected data and manage it for statistical analysis.

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Who should enroll?
The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of ODK or any other data collection platform.


Quantitative Data Management, Analysis and Visualization using SPSS

Course dates in Year 2024:

January: 15/01/2024 – 19/01/2024
February: 12/02/2024 – 16/03/2024
March: 11/03/2024 – 15/03/2024
April: 08/04/2024 – 12/04/2024
May: 13/05/2024 – 17/05/2024
June: 10/06/2024 – 14/06/2024

Duration: 5days

Timings: 8 Hours per day

Tuition fee: 400 USD

Registration: Click to register 

Course Description: In the socio-economic and business context, conducting research, data management, and data analysis are imperative for informed decision making. IBM SPSS Statistics delivers a robust set of features that lets your organization extract actionable insights from its data. Upon completion of workshop, participants will develop competence in quantitative techniques in research design, data collection, and management, statistical data analysis, interpretation and reporting of results.  Read more…


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Easily collect high quality data using mobile devices such as tablets and phones.
• Clean their data for use in subsequent statistical analysis.
• Identify and fix errors in datasets.
• Analyze and better understand their data, and solve complex business and research problems through a user-friendly interface.
• More quickly understand large and complex data sets with advanced statistical procedures that help ensure high accuracy and quality decision-making.
• Gain high level skills on statistical results interpretation and report writing.


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Who should enroll?
The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of ODK or any other data collection platform.


Computerised Financial Accounting and Reporting using QuickBooks

Course dates in Year 2024:

January: 15/01/2024 – 19/01/2024
February: 12/02/2024 – 16/03/2024
March: 11/03/2024 – 15/03/2024
April: 08/04/2024 – 12/04/2024
May: 13/05/2024 – 17/05/2024
June: 10/06/2024 – 14/06/2024

Duration: 5days

Timings: 8 Hours per day

Tuition fee: 400 USD

Registration: Click to register 

Course Description: QuickBooks is easy to use, yet has many features that are relevant for an organization bookkeeping. The program can be used to cut down the time you spend on your books as well as comply with the vast reporting requirements in both for profit and non-profit organizations. This intuitive and powerful accounting and financial reporting system takes the complexity out of entering, maintaining, tracking and reporting detailed financial data. It offers a combination of visually appealing data entry screens, well-defined user features, and quick access to help make data management easy. The software indeed can be of great help to any organization that wish to increase efficiency and more easily manage its financial transactions. Read more…


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Use different methods in recording financial transactions.
• Set up QuickBooks to properly manage financial transactions of an organization (including sales tax).
• Manage sales taxes in the organization.
• Do banking transactions comfortably (banking and reconciliation).
• Implement transactions related to statutory requirements of an organization
• Modify reports and create memorized reports for reuse.

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Who should enroll?

This training course would be relevant to all of those involved in the preparation, presentation and interpretation of financial reports in all organizations (both for profit and non-profit).


Qualitative Data Management and Thematic Analysis using NVivo

Course dates in Year 2024:

January: 15/01/2024 – 19/01/2024
February: 12/02/2024 – 16/03/2024
March: 11/03/2024 – 15/03/2024
April: 08/04/2024 – 12/04/2024
May: 13/05/2024 – 17/05/2024
June: 10/06/2024 – 14/06/2024

Duration: 5days

Timings: 8 Hours per day

Tuition fee: 400 USD

Registration: Click to register

Course Description: Qualitative data is multifaceted, rich in nature, unstructured and at times can be overwhelming. Qualitative researchers now have the option to apply computer technology in their approach for data management and analysis to ease the complexity of the research process. This course aims to build the capacity of qualitative researchers in qualitative data management and analysis using NVivo software. NVivo is designed for qualitative researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. The software has many features that can assist to simplify the whole process of doing qualitative research. Read more…

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Understand qualitative analysis approach
• Understand different qualitative data collection methods
• Set up a project in NVivo
• Create a framework for qualitative data analysis using NVivo
• Carry out qualitative data analysis using NVivo
• Write quality reports that arise from qualitative research process

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Who should enroll?
This training course is ideal for researchers and data handling professionals such as M&E staff. The course aims at improving the capacity of qualitative researchers who want to “technologize” their approach in qualitative data management and analysis. This course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of ODK or any other data collection platform.




Vital Extra Learning and Consultancy have a rich collection of Online Courses Trainings – Research, Data Management and GIS.

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