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Course Name: Training Course on Quantitative Data Management and Analysis using SPSS

Special offer for group registration:
Number of participants Fees
2-5 $ 700
6 -10 $ 650
11-50 $ 500
> 50 $ 450
To register as a group, contact us through: E: or give us a call on T: +254707053111
Course Date Duration Location Fee: Registrations
Date: 10/02/2025 - 14/02/2025 5 Days Kigali, Rwanda $ 950 Click to register
Date: 17/03/2025 - 21/03/2025 5 Days Abuja, Nigeria $ 950 Click to register
Date: 21/04/2025 - 25/04/2025 5 Days Nairobi, Kenya $ 950 Click to register


5 Days

Our Contacts:

Email: info@

+234 (0) 8038 066705,
+234 (0) 9039055940
+254 707 053 111


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Group registration
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Course Description

In the socio-economic and business context, conducting research, data management, and data analysis are imperative for informed decision making. IBM SPSS Statistics is a powerful statistical software platform. It delivers a robust set of features that lets your organization extract actionable insights from its data. The software is more popular in social sciences. Sound knowledge about the methodology of conducting research and the use of SPSS is very beneficial for to researchers. Upon completion of workshop, participants will develop competence in quantitative techniques in research design, data collection, and management, statistical data analysis, interpretation and reporting of results.


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

     Easily collect high quality data using mobile devices such as tablets and phones.

     Clean their data for use in subsequent statistical analysis.

     Identify and fix errors in datasets.

     Analyze and better understand their data, and solve complex business and research problems through a user-friendly interface.

     More quickly understand large and complex data sets with advanced statistical procedures that help ensure high accuracy and quality decision-making.

     Gain high level skills on statistical results interpretation and report writing.


Who should enroll?

The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume previous knowledge and competency in using SPSS software.


Why train with us

Vital Extra Learning guarantees our clients:

     State-of-the-art facilities and training infrastructure

     Extended tradition of hand-holding during post engagement

     Service delivery through highly seasoned industry experts.

     Value for money



Module 1: Introduction

Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis

     Introduction to statistical concepts

     Descriptive and inferential statistics

     The research/survey process

     Research designing


Introduction to SPSS statistical software

     Installing the software (key consideration and procedures)

     SPSS interface and features

     SPSS terminologies

     SPSS views

     Data entry into SPSS

     Data manipulation: merge files, spit files, sorting files, missing values


Basic Statistics using SPSS

     Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics

     Descriptive statistics – Measures of centres, distribution, dispersion

     Frequency distribution tables


Module 2: Data/Output Management and Graphics

Data Management

     Defining and labeling variables

     Cleaning data

     Sorting data

     Transforming, coding and computing variables

     Restructuring data

     Dealing with missing values

     Merging files

     Splitting files

     Selecting cases 

     Weighing cases

     Key syntax in SPSS

     Output management in SPSS


Graphics using SPSS

     Introduction to graphs in SPSS

     Graph commands in SPSS

     Types of SPSS graphs (Bar graph; Scatter plot; Line chart; Histogram; Box plot; Pie chart; Q-Q plot; P-P plot)


Module 3: Inferential Statistics (Statistical Tests) using SPSS

Test of differences in means

     One Sample T Test

     Independent Samples T Test

     Paired Samples T Test

     One-Way ANOVA


Test of associations

     Chi-Square test

     Pearson's Correlation

     Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation

     Bivariate Plots and Correlations for Scale Variables


Module 4: Regression Analysis and Non-Parametric Tests in SPSS

Regression Models using SPSS

     Linear regression (simple and multiple regression)

     Binary logistic regression

     Multinomial logistic regression

     Ordinal regression

     2-stage least square regression


Nonparametric Tests

     Application of non-parametric tests

     Options available in Nonparametric Tests procedure dialog box and tabs

     Interpretation of nonparametric tests results


Module 5: Longitudinal and Time-Series Data Analysis

Longitudinal Analysis using SPSS

     Introduction to panel data

     Benefits of panel data

     Problem with panel data

     Features of Longitudinal Data

     Exploring Longitudinal data

     Regression models with panel data (random effects; fixed effects; between-within models)


Time Series and Forecasting using SPSS

     The basics of forecasting

     Smoothing time series data

     Regression with time series data

     ARIMA models

     Intervention analysis



This training can be customized for your institution or delivered at your preferred location upon request. For training customization, contact us through
Email: info@
+234 (0) 8038 066705,
+234 (0) 9039055940
+254 707 053 111


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